Portland Premarital Agreement Lawyer

Unfortunately, based on national and state statistics, many marriages fail. Divorce can be expensive, and the result can be uncertain. Against that background, many couples decide before they get married to enter into a “premarital agreement,” which sets forth their respective rights in the event their relationship ends.

There are statutes and decisions from the Oregon appellate courts that govern premarital agreements, which are also known as “prenuptial agreements.” Such agreements give couples wide latitude in dealing with property division if there is a divorce or legal separation. The agreement can also include provisions about estate planning, inheritances, gifts, income, and attorney fees, and, with some exceptions, spousal support. A well-crafted premarital agreement, in which lawyers represented both parties, and in which both parties had ample time to consider the agreement, is difficult to challenge in the event of a divorce or legal separation. For many couples, this kind of certainty is welcome and adds to the stability of their relationship.

Unmarried couples may also choose to address those issues through a “cohabitation agreement.”

Peter has worked with many clients to develop appropriate and comprehensive premarital and cohabitation agreements. If you are considering entering into such an agreement, Peter will work with you to meet the needs of your particular situation.

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